One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists. I don't pretend to know what many ignorant men are sure of, too.
The term agnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge. He made up the word from the prefix a-, meaning “without, not,” as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gn?, “knowledge,” which was used by early Christian writers to mean “higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things”; hence, Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge. In coining the term agnostic, Huxley was considering as “Gnostics” a group of his fellow intellectuals—“ists,” as he called them— who had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a “man without a rag of a label to cover himself with,” Huxley coined the term agnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Friday, July 22, 2016
In dreamed at shopping mall 19/7/2016
Part 1
【释义】:虎无伤人意,人莫犯虎星。这只卧伏路途的猛虎,似睡非睡,虽然没有攻击你意思,却有潜在的危险。你这个行,可要小心翼翼,不能不呼不叫,将它惊觉。当你绕过老虎的时候,一定要将脚步放轻,再放轻。绕过了这虎星,灾祸当然就让乐避开了。 签诗告诉我,在行事的全过程中,最重要的是保密,不要张杨也去,莫乱呼就是这个意思。第二是不要惊慌,沉着稳健,仔细迅速地躲过这一关,趁对方没有清醒过来,赶快绕过去。 白虎凶神,是一束星辰的总算,=排列在每一年中的后四辰中,共有十二个凶煞时刻,这里简单介绍一下。 子年逢申,壬申月(壬七月),申日申时。丑年逢酉(八月),酉日酉时。寅逢戌,卯逢亥,辰逢子,已逢丑,午逢寅,未逢卯,申逢辰,酉逢已,戌逢午,亥逢未。 在上述年份中逢对应的月,日,时,都是大凶的,可得留神一些。
Part 2
【释义】:虎无伤人意,人莫犯虎星。这只卧伏路途的猛虎,似睡非睡,虽然没有攻击你意思,却有潜在的危险。你这个行,可要小心翼翼,不能不呼不叫,将它惊觉。当你绕过老虎的时候,一定要将脚步放轻,再放轻。绕过了这虎星,灾祸当然就让乐避开了。 签诗告诉我,在行事的全过程中,最重要的是保密,不要张杨也去,莫乱呼就是这个意思。第二是不要惊慌,沉着稳健,仔细迅速地躲过这一关,趁对方没有清醒过来,赶快绕过去。 白虎凶神,是一束星辰的总算,=排列在每一年中的后四辰中,共有十二个凶煞时刻,这里简单介绍一下。 子年逢申,壬申月(壬七月),申日申时。丑年逢酉(八月),酉日酉时。寅逢戌,卯逢亥,辰逢子,已逢丑,午逢寅,未逢卯,申逢辰,酉逢已,戌逢午,亥逢未。 在上述年份中逢对应的月,日,时,都是大凶的,可得留神一些。
Part 2
Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta Heart Mantra 大势至菩萨心咒 17/7/2016
Mahāsthāmaprāpta is a bodhisattva mahāsattva that represents the power of wisdom, often depicted in a trinity with Amitābha and Avalokiteśvara (Guanyin), especially in Pure Land Buddhism. His name literally means "arrival of the great strength".
Mahāsthāmaprāpta is one of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas in Mahāyāna Buddhism, along with Mañjuśrī, Samantabhadra, Avalokiteśvara, Akasagarbha, Kṣitigarbha, Maitreya and Sarvanivarana-Vishkambhin.
In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman, with a likeness similar to Avalokiteśvara. He is also one of the Japanese Thirteen Buddhas in Shingon. In Tibetan Buddhism (Tantrism), Mahāsthāmaprāpta is equated with Vajrapani, who is one of his incarnations and was known as the Protector of the Buddha.
Mahāsthāmaprāpta is one of the oldest bodhisattvas and is regarded as powerful, especially in the Pure Land school, where he takes an important role in the long Sutra of Infinite Life. He is also associated with the temple guardians Kongo Rikishi across Japan.
In the Shurangama Sutra, Mahāsthāmaprāpta tells of how he gained enlightenment through the practice of Buddha recitation, or continuous pure mindfulness of Amitābha, to obtain samādhi. In the Contemplation Sutra, Mahāsthāmaprāpta is symbolised by the moon while Avalokiteśvara is represented by the sun.
Monk Yinguang (印光), a teacher of Pure Land School, was widely considered to be a metaphorical manifestation of him after a Christian who said to have never heard of him before and a student of him dreamed of that independently. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahasthamaprapta)
嗡 巴杂 嘿 嗡 巴杂 詹杂 摩诃 噜 呵 呐 吽 嘿
唵 散 髯 髯 娑婆诃
or 或者
曩莫 三曼多 没驮南 三 髯 髯 索 莎贺
Mahāsthāmaprāpta is one of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas in Mahāyāna Buddhism, along with Mañjuśrī, Samantabhadra, Avalokiteśvara, Akasagarbha, Kṣitigarbha, Maitreya and Sarvanivarana-Vishkambhin.
In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman, with a likeness similar to Avalokiteśvara. He is also one of the Japanese Thirteen Buddhas in Shingon. In Tibetan Buddhism (Tantrism), Mahāsthāmaprāpta is equated with Vajrapani, who is one of his incarnations and was known as the Protector of the Buddha.
Mahāsthāmaprāpta is one of the oldest bodhisattvas and is regarded as powerful, especially in the Pure Land school, where he takes an important role in the long Sutra of Infinite Life. He is also associated with the temple guardians Kongo Rikishi across Japan.
In the Shurangama Sutra, Mahāsthāmaprāpta tells of how he gained enlightenment through the practice of Buddha recitation, or continuous pure mindfulness of Amitābha, to obtain samādhi. In the Contemplation Sutra, Mahāsthāmaprāpta is symbolised by the moon while Avalokiteśvara is represented by the sun.
Monk Yinguang (印光), a teacher of Pure Land School, was widely considered to be a metaphorical manifestation of him after a Christian who said to have never heard of him before and a student of him dreamed of that independently. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahasthamaprapta)
嗡 巴杂 嘿 嗡 巴杂 詹杂 摩诃 噜 呵 呐 吽 嘿
唵 散 髯 髯 娑婆诃
or 或者
曩莫 三曼多 没驮南 三 髯 髯 索 莎贺
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Wakeup sign a name 27/6/2016
Chris in dream 25/6/2016
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Ji Ji 既濟 Sign of 下離火上坎水 10/6/2016, Dreamed 17/12/2016

Ji Ji: Ji Ji intimates progress and success in small matters. There will be advantage in being firm and correct. There has been good fortune in the beginning; there may be disorder in the end.
Tuan Zhuan: 'Ji Ji intimates progress and success:' - in small matters, that is, there will be that progress and success. 'There will be advantage in being firm and correct:' - the strong and weak (lines) are correctly arranged, each in its appropriate place. 'There has been good fortune in the beginning: - the weak (second line) is in the centre. 'In the end' there is a cessation (of effort), and 'disorder arises:' - the course (that led to rule and order) is (now) exhausted.
Xiang Zhuan: (The trigram representing) fire and that for water above it form Ji Ji. The superior man, in accordance with this, thinks of evil (that may come), and beforehand guards against it.
2. 初九:曳其輪,濡其尾,无咎。
The first NINE, undivided, (shows its subject as a driver) who drags back his wheel, (or as a fox) which has wet his tail. There will be no error.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He drags back his wheel:' - as we may rightly judge, there will be no mistake.
3. 六二:婦喪其茀,勿逐,七日得。
The second SIX, divided, (shows its subject as) a wife who has lost her (carriage-)screen. There is no occasion to go in pursuit of it. In seven days she will find it.
Xiang Zhuan: 'In seven days she will find it:' - for the course pursued is that indicated by the central position (of the line).
4. 九三:高宗伐鬼方,三年克之,小人勿用。
The third NINE, undivided, (suggests the case of) K?o ?ung, who attacked the Demon region, but was three years in subduing it. Small men should not be employed (in such enterprises).
Xiang Zhuan: 'He was three years in subduing it:' - enough to make him weary.
5. 六四:繻有衣袽,終日戒。
The fourth SIX, divided, shows its subject with rags provided against any leak (in his boat), and on his guard all day long.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He is on his guard all the day:' - he is in doubt about something.
6. 九五:東鄰殺牛,不如西鄰之禴祭,實受其福。
The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject (as) the neighbour in the east who slaughters an ox (for his sacrifice); but this is not equal to the (small) spring sacrifice of the neighbour in the west, whose sincerity receives the blessing.
Xiang Zhuan: 'The slaughtering of an ox by the neighbour in the east is not equal to (the small sacrifice of) the neighbour in the west:' - because the time (in the latter case is more important and fit). 'His sincerity receives the blessing:' - good fortune comes on a great scale.
7. 上六:濡其首,厲。
The topmost SIX, divided, shows its subject with (even) his head immersed. The position is perilous.
Xiang Zhuan: 'His head is immersed; the position is perilous:' - how could such a state continue long?
(by James Legge)
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光真言 9/6/2016, 19/3/2017
Explanation of Passages in the Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana 不空羂索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光眞言:
In its syllables, the entire power of the omnipresent Mahavairocana / Dainichi Buddha. When we recite this mantra earnestly; the Light of the Buddha will embrace us. Illusions will disappear spontaneously, as the moon becomes free from mist.
The Bukong juansuo Piluzhenafo daguanding guangzhenyan (Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana). 1 fasc. (T 1002.19.606-607), abbr. Light Mantra from the Great Consecration 大灌頂光真言, Radiance Mantra Sutra 光明真言經, tr. Amoghavajra 不空. A primary source for the practice of the radiance mantra 光明真言. Japanese commentary: ko^ben's 高辯 Explanation of Passages in the Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana When you recite this mantra, visualize a moon disc in your heart, with a golden Sanskrit seed syllable AH on it. This syllable AH radiates light and illuminates on all sentient beings. Anyone in contact with this light will be liberated from suffering and receive joy. It is as good as receiving a jewel, a lotus, a rebirth and illumination, where liberation is instantaneous and all vows are fulfilled. The mantra should be chanted 3, 7, or 21 times per day.
The Sutra of the Mantra of the Unfailing Rope Snare of the Buddha Vairocana’s Great Baptism states that if any sentient being should commit the 10 evil ways, the 5 deadly sins and upon his death descend to the lower realm, recite this mantra 108 times, then the deceased shall ascend to the Western Pureland of Amitabha!
The sutra also states that if any sentient being were to listen to this mantra two times, three times or seven times, all his karmic hindrances shall be eradicated.
A common practice was to sprinkle pure sand blessed with this mantra ( after 108 recitations ), on the body of the deceased or their tomb, based on teachings expounded in the Sutra. The belief was that a person who had accumulated much negative karma, and possible rebirth in Hell realm would be immediately freed and allowed a favorable rebirth into the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. This practice is known as dosha-kaji (土砂加持) in Japanese. <https://mahadharmasutra.wordpress.com/tag/light-mantra/>
(種子:啊 ah)
不空罥索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光真言句義釋(T 2245).
Om Amoga Vairocana Maha Mudra Mani Padma Jvala Pravartaya Hum
嗡 啊摩嘎 懷魯佳拿 嘛哈母德喇 嘛尼 叭德嘛 及乏拉 缽喇乏爾打牙 吽

The Bukong juansuo Piluzhenafo daguanding guangzhenyan (Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana). 1 fasc. (T 1002.19.606-607), abbr. Light Mantra from the Great Consecration 大灌頂光真言, Radiance Mantra Sutra 光明真言經, tr. Amoghavajra 不空. A primary source for the practice of the radiance mantra 光明真言. Japanese commentary: ko^ben's 高辯 Explanation of Passages in the Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana When you recite this mantra, visualize a moon disc in your heart, with a golden Sanskrit seed syllable AH on it. This syllable AH radiates light and illuminates on all sentient beings. Anyone in contact with this light will be liberated from suffering and receive joy. It is as good as receiving a jewel, a lotus, a rebirth and illumination, where liberation is instantaneous and all vows are fulfilled. The mantra should be chanted 3, 7, or 21 times per day.
The Sutra of the Mantra of the Unfailing Rope Snare of the Buddha Vairocana’s Great Baptism states that if any sentient being should commit the 10 evil ways, the 5 deadly sins and upon his death descend to the lower realm, recite this mantra 108 times, then the deceased shall ascend to the Western Pureland of Amitabha!
The sutra also states that if any sentient being were to listen to this mantra two times, three times or seven times, all his karmic hindrances shall be eradicated.
A common practice was to sprinkle pure sand blessed with this mantra ( after 108 recitations ), on the body of the deceased or their tomb, based on teachings expounded in the Sutra. The belief was that a person who had accumulated much negative karma, and possible rebirth in Hell realm would be immediately freed and allowed a favorable rebirth into the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. This practice is known as dosha-kaji (土砂加持) in Japanese. <https://mahadharmasutra.wordpress.com/tag/light-mantra/>
(種子:啊 ah)
不空罥索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光真言句義釋(T 2245).
大隨求咒輪陀羅尼曼陀羅 1/6/2016
Bodhisattva Maha-pratisara, 大随求菩萨, 'Great fulfiller of wishes' or the Vajra of Wish Fulfillment. The image above from the Garbhakosa Mandala is in a deep yellow color & has 8 arms, carrying vajra, axe, lasso, sword, wheel, trident, fascicle and banner. These represent his fundamental vows which gives him infinite powers to protect, teach, and remove obstacles and fulfill the wishes of all sentient beings. He is situated at the top of the 2nd row of the Lotus Section. According to the Maha-vairocana Sutra:
"The moment a person hears his Mantra, his past sins will be relieved, & if the person constantly recites it, know that he will be indestructible. Fire cannot burn him, blades cannot cut him & poison cannot hurt him." <http://www.lianhuayuan.net/index32.html>
His Mantra is:
全名為【普遍光明清淨熾盛如意寶印心無能勝大明王大隨求陀羅尼 】,亦名【金剛頂瑜伽最勝祕密成佛隨求即得神變加持成就陀羅尼 】。
經云: 若纔聞此陀羅尼者。所有一切罪障悉皆消滅。 若能讀誦受持在心。當知是人即是金剛堅固之身。 火不能燒刀不能害。毒不能中。
依法書寫此陀羅尼。入在於篋安頭髻中。 以此大隨求陀羅尼。護身被甲即往入陣。 王獨共戰四兵降伏來歸梵施。 大梵當知此大隨求無能勝陀羅尼。是一切如來心印之所加持。 有大神驗汝當受持當知此陀羅尼等同諸佛。
"The moment a person hears his Mantra, his past sins will be relieved, & if the person constantly recites it, know that he will be indestructible. Fire cannot burn him, blades cannot cut him & poison cannot hurt him." <http://www.lianhuayuan.net/index32.html>
His Mantra is:
《om bhara bhara sambhara sambhra indriya visudhani hum hum ruru cale svaha》
嗡 拔拉拔拉 桑拔拉 桑拔拉 印達尼雅 修達尼 吽吽嚕嚕 夏咧 梭哈
全名為【普遍光明清淨熾盛如意寶印心無能勝大明王大隨求陀羅尼 】,亦名【金剛頂瑜伽最勝祕密成佛隨求即得神變加持成就陀羅尼 】。
經云: 若纔聞此陀羅尼者。所有一切罪障悉皆消滅。 若能讀誦受持在心。當知是人即是金剛堅固之身。 火不能燒刀不能害。毒不能中。
依法書寫此陀羅尼。入在於篋安頭髻中。 以此大隨求陀羅尼。護身被甲即往入陣。 王獨共戰四兵降伏來歸梵施。 大梵當知此大隨求無能勝陀羅尼。是一切如來心印之所加持。 有大神驗汝當受持當知此陀羅尼等同諸佛。
Friday, May 27, 2016
In dreamed MSG 27/5/2016
Part 1
Part 2
〖释义〗:目前的处境,仍然很艰难,因局不得舒展,人不知该向如何应付。 虽有贵人,却姗姗来迟,而且象一个普通人客人一样,晴蜓点水匆匆离去,于事无补。 你本来只有一杯酒的量可是非要下场喝那一车,你不是太贪心,不自量力而行吗?难怪险象环生,困难重重了。你想问结局怎么样?恕我直言相告,毕竟最后还是艰难的。「周易」吝字皆借为遴,《說文》:“遴,行难也。”因为难,也许会耗费些资财,当花之处还是要舍得花费,好钢用在刀刃上,恰如份。钱财一是身外之物,不便取时不要强取。贪婪从来就是祸根,即时撒手便安宁,切记,切记。
Part 2
〖释义〗:目前的处境,仍然很艰难,因局不得舒展,人不知该向如何应付。 虽有贵人,却姗姗来迟,而且象一个普通人客人一样,晴蜓点水匆匆离去,于事无补。 你本来只有一杯酒的量可是非要下场喝那一车,你不是太贪心,不自量力而行吗?难怪险象环生,困难重重了。你想问结局怎么样?恕我直言相告,毕竟最后还是艰难的。「周易」吝字皆借为遴,《說文》:“遴,行难也。”因为难,也许会耗费些资财,当花之处还是要舍得花费,好钢用在刀刃上,恰如份。钱财一是身外之物,不便取时不要强取。贪婪从来就是祸根,即时撒手便安宁,切记,切记。
In dreamed my Classmate and Doctor 23/5/2016
Part 1
Part 2
〖卦语〗:火遭水克 火灭其光 水势滔滔 源远流长。
〖释义〗:源流长的山溪,汇成滔滔的漫天洪水,铺天盖地地扑来,一下子熄灭了大火,连一星点火光和烟尘都没给留下。流年转逝,斗换星移,你生命的运程将发生一个重大的转折,你的火运已经结束,水运来临,未来的十年当中,由“水”为主体主宰着你的命运。 在未来的十年中你宜于居守下中,哪也不要去,换句话说,远行对你不利,徒劳往返劳命伤财但这并不意味着你没有财路,相反是极佳的,源远流长,来自北方的钱财势头,更大,随着其它方位的水一现汇流而入。 谈到时间对应上运旺盛于亥子丑年,也就是说1995,96,97年,其中96年为丙子年是最旺的年份,最佳月份则在农历十,十一,十二月,另外三月,四月均有短线偏财积少成多,也不要小视。 这十年中,你还将会有一个孩子出世,恭喜恭喜。
Part 2
〖卦语〗:火遭水克 火灭其光 水势滔滔 源远流长。
〖释义〗:源流长的山溪,汇成滔滔的漫天洪水,铺天盖地地扑来,一下子熄灭了大火,连一星点火光和烟尘都没给留下。流年转逝,斗换星移,你生命的运程将发生一个重大的转折,你的火运已经结束,水运来临,未来的十年当中,由“水”为主体主宰着你的命运。 在未来的十年中你宜于居守下中,哪也不要去,换句话说,远行对你不利,徒劳往返劳命伤财但这并不意味着你没有财路,相反是极佳的,源远流长,来自北方的钱财势头,更大,随着其它方位的水一现汇流而入。 谈到时间对应上运旺盛于亥子丑年,也就是说1995,96,97年,其中96年为丙子年是最旺的年份,最佳月份则在农历十,十一,十二月,另外三月,四月均有短线偏财积少成多,也不要小视。 这十年中,你还将会有一个孩子出世,恭喜恭喜。
Monday, May 9, 2016
一心頂禮 南無不動如來不動佛心咒 22/6/2015
In Vajrayana Buddhism, Akshobhya (Sanskrit: अक्षोभ्य, Akṣobhya, "Immovable One"; simplified Chinese and Japanese: 阿閦如来; pinyin: Āchùrúlái; ) is one of the Five Wisdom Buddhas, a product of the Adibuddha, who represents consciousness as an aspect of reality. By convention he is located in the east of the Diamond Realm and is the lord of the Eastern Pure Land Abhirati ('The Joyous'), although the Pure Land of Akshobhya's western counterpart Amitābha is far better known. His consort is Lochanā and he is normally accompanied by two elephants. His color is blue-black and his attributes include the bell, three robes, and staff, along with a jewel, lotus, prayer wheel, and sword. He has several emanations.
The Vajra family, to which Akshobhya belongs, is associated with the element of water. This is why the two colours of Vajra are blue or white. Bright white like sun reflecting off water, and blue, like the depths of the ocean. Even if the surface of the ocean is blown into crashing waves, the depths remain undisturbed, imperturbable. And though water may seem ethereal and weightless, in truth it is extremely heavy. Water flows into the lowest place and settles there. It carves through solid rock, but calmly, without violence. When frozen, it is hard, sharp, and clear like the intellect, but to reach its full potential, it must also be fluid and adaptable like a flowing river. These are all the essential qualities of Akshobhya.
Many wrathful tantric beings are represented as blue in colour because they embody the transmuted energy of hatred and aggression, into wisdom and enlightenment. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
阿閦佛(梵文:अक्षोभ्य,Akshobhya,藏語:Sangs-rgyas mi-vkhrugs-pa;「閦」音「觸」)心咒,或作不動佛心咒,為東方妙喜世界阿閦佛(或名不動佛)之咒語,別名阿閦佛往生咒。
阿閦佛心咒: ong a bie zha zhi ga hong hong 唵 阿 別 炸 枝 嘎 吽 吽
阿閦佛心咒:南ná无mó薄bó伽qié伐fá帝dì 阿à閦chù鞞pí牙yá 莎suō哈hā
祈願 妙喜淨土 不動如來,加持一切有情眾生,消除世間對立,無明惡業、一切瞋恨,往生有情眾生 皆能超渡 往生善道。
The Vajra family, to which Akshobhya belongs, is associated with the element of water. This is why the two colours of Vajra are blue or white. Bright white like sun reflecting off water, and blue, like the depths of the ocean. Even if the surface of the ocean is blown into crashing waves, the depths remain undisturbed, imperturbable. And though water may seem ethereal and weightless, in truth it is extremely heavy. Water flows into the lowest place and settles there. It carves through solid rock, but calmly, without violence. When frozen, it is hard, sharp, and clear like the intellect, but to reach its full potential, it must also be fluid and adaptable like a flowing river. These are all the essential qualities of Akshobhya.
Many wrathful tantric beings are represented as blue in colour because they embody the transmuted energy of hatred and aggression, into wisdom and enlightenment. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
阿閦佛(梵文:अक्षोभ्य,Akshobhya,藏語:Sangs-rgyas mi-vkhrugs-pa;「閦」音「觸」)心咒,或作不動佛心咒,為東方妙喜世界阿閦佛(或名不動佛)之咒語,別名阿閦佛往生咒。
Namo Ratna Trayaya.
Om. Kamkani Kamkani. Rotsani Rotsani. Trotrani Trotrani. Trasani Trasani.
Pratihana Pratihana. Sarva Karma Parampara.
Nime Sarva Sato(Sattva). Nantsaya Soha(Svaha).
唵 槓嘎尼 槓嘎尼 羅渣尼 羅渣尼
卓達尼 卓達尼 乍沙尼 乍沙尼
乍帝哈納 乍帝哈納 薩哇噶瑪
巴南巴喇 納美 薩哇薩埵 念渣 梭哈
阿閦佛心咒: ong a bie zha zhi ga hong hong 唵 阿 別 炸 枝 嘎 吽 吽
阿閦佛心咒:南ná无mó薄bó伽qié伐fá帝dì 阿à閦chù鞞pí牙yá 莎suō哈hā
祈願 妙喜淨土 不動如來,加持一切有情眾生,消除世間對立,無明惡業、一切瞋恨,往生有情眾生 皆能超渡 往生善道。
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Seizures woke: 彭適為Peng Shiwei,清雍七年(1729)文林郎知平和縣事(正七品) 14/4/2014
《七品 文林郎 征仕郎》
七品 素金頂 五蟒四爪 (犀牛) 紫鴛鴦
有田一亩 尽可耕耘 无穷收获 都在西成
田地,是你赖以生存之本也是发达,进取的本源,这就说明你所从事的行业是相对安定,无需奔波劳碌,且有边有框,规规矩矩,不出方寸,这也让人联想到美术家的画幅,文化人的稿纸,财会人机的算盘和计算机,运动竞技场,棋盘,舞台,屏幕。。。。。。。 总之,这样一类的行业对你都是适合的,辛勤耕耘,充分发挥,必有无穷收获, 但收获的楔机机遇也是一定的,那便与方位紧密相关的西方,换言之,西,是你成功的吉祥,幸运的方位,西方庚辛金。庚为阳金,辛为阴金;西方兑纳丁阴,白虎护神庇佑,划时节为秋,吉祥色彩为白,多遇女贵人帮扶,女=性则多遇男贵人资助,但有小妾(第三者)之嫌 东方文化人,每每在西方学有所成,业绩斐然,令世人刮目。西方先进的科技,也是东方文化发展的借鉴,当然不能保守地自锁心门,所以此处所谓西方,不能单纯理解为你的籍贯以西的中国本土。
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Dalai Lama and Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö Rinpoche 15/3/2016
Mantras could be induced in the phase space of time may also duration no difference like that three days tantamount to be 3 hours.
In dreamed Classmate signature the AG 12/3/2016
Part 1
Part 2
〖释义〗:要摘下天上星星,月亮,那是不可能的。可是,要得岁月中的玉兔,那也许不难办不到,只需外来的条件,甚至双喜临门也完全可能。 首先要认识一下你所追求的目标:卯为琼林,属兔,位置在正东方,月中之兔,当然是贵人一路。另外如指事情而言,主要是升学,升职的追求了。 第一个条件是风。桃枝条款摆,花枝摇曳,靠的都是风,巽如风行天下故为鸡,外表象征华丽的装饰巽属木,成事的时间在:"甲、乙、寅、卯,年、月、日、时。辰,年、月、日、时也大有希望。如投考文职方面,必有升迁。东南方向,一位草木旁姓氏的人,变助你一臂之力,或可为重要媒介。 第二个条件是山,艮为山,这个贵人在你东北方向,将成为你你的导师,或者是岳父。你的姓氏笔划中有山作偏旁,有了他的接纳指引,事情就成了。
Part 2
〖释义〗:要摘下天上星星,月亮,那是不可能的。可是,要得岁月中的玉兔,那也许不难办不到,只需外来的条件,甚至双喜临门也完全可能。 首先要认识一下你所追求的目标:卯为琼林,属兔,位置在正东方,月中之兔,当然是贵人一路。另外如指事情而言,主要是升学,升职的追求了。 第一个条件是风。桃枝条款摆,花枝摇曳,靠的都是风,巽如风行天下故为鸡,外表象征华丽的装饰巽属木,成事的时间在:"甲、乙、寅、卯,年、月、日、时。辰,年、月、日、时也大有希望。如投考文职方面,必有升迁。东南方向,一位草木旁姓氏的人,变助你一臂之力,或可为重要媒介。 第二个条件是山,艮为山,这个贵人在你东北方向,将成为你你的导师,或者是岳父。你的姓氏笔划中有山作偏旁,有了他的接纳指引,事情就成了。
Friday, April 1, 2016
Heng恆 Sign of 下巽上震 6/2/2016, 22/11/2017

Heng: Heng indicates successful progress and no error (in what it denotes). But the advantage will come from being firm and correct; and movement in any direction whatever will be advantageous.
Tuan Zhuan: Heng denotes long continuance. The strong (trigram) is above, and the weak one below; (they are the symbols of) thunder and wind, which are in mutual communication; (they have the qualities of) docility and motive force; their strong and weak (lines) all respond, each to the other: - these things are all found in Heng. (When it is said that) 'Heng indicates successful progress and no error (in what it denotes); but the advantage will come from being firm and correct,' this indicates that there must be long continuance in its way of operation. The way of heaven and earth is to be long continued in their operation without stopping. (When it is said that) 'Movement in any direction whatever will be advantageous,' this implies that when (the moving power) is spent, it will begin again. The sun and moon, realising in themselves (the course of Heaven), can perpetuate their shining. The four seasons, by their changing and transforming, can perpetuate their production (of things). The sages persevere long in their course, and all under the sky are transformed and perfect. When we look at what they continue doing long, the natural tendencies of heaven, earth, and all things can be seen.
Xiang Zhuan: (The trigram representing) thunder and that for wind form Heng. The superior man, in accordance with this, stands firm, and does not change his method (of operation).
2. 初六:浚恆,貞凶,无攸利。
The first SIX, divided, shows its subject deeply (desirous) of long continuance. Even with firm correctness there will be evil; there will be no advantage in any way.
Xiang Zhuan: 'The evil attached to the deep desire for long continuance (in the subject of the first line)' arises from the deep seeking for it at the commencement (of things).
3. 九二:悔亡。
The second NINE, undivided, shows all occasion for repentance disappearing.
Xiang Zhuan: 'All occasion for repentance on the part of the subject of the second NINE, (undivided,), disappears:' - he can abide long in the due mean.
4. 九三:不恆其德,或承之羞,貞吝。
The third NINE, undivided, shows one who does not continuously maintain his virtue. There are those who will impute this to him as a disgrace. However firm he may be, there will be ground for regret.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He does not continuously maintain his virtue:' - nowhere will he be borne with.
5. 九四:田无禽。
The fourth NINE, undivided, shows a field where there is no game.
Xiang Zhuan: (Going) for long to what is not his proper place, how can he get game?
6. 六五:恆其德,貞,婦人吉,夫子凶。
The fifth SIX, divided, shows its subject continuously maintaining the virtue indicated by it. In a wife this will be fortunate; in a husband, evil.
Xiang Zhuan: 'Such firm correctness in a wife will be fortunate:' - it is hers to the end of life to follow with an unchanged mind. The husband must decide what is right, and lay down the rule accordingly: - for him to follow (like) a wife is evil.
7. 上六:振恆,凶。
The topmost SIX, divided, shows its subject exciting himself to long continuance. There will be evil.
Xiang Zhuan: 'The subject of the topmost line is exciting himself to long continuance:' - far will he be from achieving merit.
(by James Legge)
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Sign 1/12/2015
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2
Monday, March 21, 2016
作明佛母(Kurukulle)又名咕噜咕列佛母 8/11/2015
Kurukulle mantra (Rigjedma - Kurukulla)
Kurukulle or Kurukulla, also known as Rigjedma is the Tibetan Buddhist Goddess of Love, Lust, Sex, Magick, Enchantment and Liberation-Bobby Octo
Kurukulla is a goddess whose body is usually depicted in red with four arms, holding a bow and arrows made of flowers. She dances in a Dakini-pose and crushes the asura Rahu (the one who devours the sun). According to Vedic astrology, Rahu is a snake with a demon head (Navagraha) who represents the ascending lunar node.
She is considered either an incarnation of Amida Buddha, one of Tara's forms, or a transformation of Heruka. -Wikipedia
若以虔誠心修持將獲得 :
1 . 真實語妙音成就
2. 空樂俱生智成就
3. 自在攝三界成就
4. 成辦四事業成就
5. 得生天界成就
6. 破黑暗蔽障成明性
7. 斷一切妄想分別執著
8. 迅速圓滿福慧二資糧
9. 增上無漏大樂智慧
Kurukulle or Kurukulla, also known as Rigjedma is the Tibetan Buddhist Goddess of Love, Lust, Sex, Magick, Enchantment and Liberation-Bobby Octo
Kurukulla is a goddess whose body is usually depicted in red with four arms, holding a bow and arrows made of flowers. She dances in a Dakini-pose and crushes the asura Rahu (the one who devours the sun). According to Vedic astrology, Rahu is a snake with a demon head (Navagraha) who represents the ascending lunar node.
She is considered either an incarnation of Amida Buddha, one of Tara's forms, or a transformation of Heruka. -Wikipedia
om kuru kulle hrih svaha
嗡 咕汝 咕列 耶 梭哈
1 . 真實語妙音成就
2. 空樂俱生智成就
3. 自在攝三界成就
4. 成辦四事業成就
5. 得生天界成就
6. 破黑暗蔽障成明性
7. 斷一切妄想分別執著
8. 迅速圓滿福慧二資糧
9. 增上無漏大樂智慧
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Jie 解 Sign of 下坎上震 1/9/2015
Jie: In (the state indicated by) Jie advantage will be found in the south-west. If no (further) operations be called for, there will be good fortune in coming back (to the old conditions). If some operations be called for, there will be good fortune in the early conducting of them.
Tuan Zhuan: In Jie we have (the trigram expressive of) peril going on to that expressive of movement. By movement there is an escape from the peril: - (this is the meaning of) Jie. 'In (the state indicated by) Jie, advantage will be found in the south-west:' - the movement (thus) intimated will win all. That 'there will be good fortune in coming back (to the old conditions)' shows that such action is that of the due medium. That 'if some operations be necessary, there will be good fortune in the early conducting of them' shows that such operations will be successful. When heaven and earth are freed (from the grasp of winter), we have thunder and rain. When these come, the buds of the plants and trees that produce the various fruits begin to burst. Great indeed are the phenomena in the time intimated by Jie.
Xiang Zhuan: (The trigram representing) thunder and that for rain, with these phenomena in a state of manifestation, form Jie. The superior man, in accordance with this, forgives errors, and deals gently with crimes.
2. 初六:无咎。
The first SIX, divided, shows that its subject will commit no error.
Xiang Zhuan: The strong (fourth) line and the weak line here are in correlation: - we judge rightly in saying that 'its subject will commit no error.'
3. 九二:田獲三狐,得黃矢,貞吉。
The second NINE, undivided, shows its subject catch, in hunting, three foxes, and obtain the yellow (= golden) arrows. With firm correctness there will be good fortune.
Xiang Zhuan: 'The good fortune springing from the firm correctness of the second NINE, (undivided),' is due to its subject holding the due mean.
4. 六三:負且乘,致寇至,貞吝。
The third SIX, divided, shows a porter with his burden, (yet) riding in a carriage. He will (only) tempt robbers to attack him. However firm and correct he may (try to) be, there will be cause for regret.
Xiang Zhuan: For 'a porter with his burden to be riding in a carriage' is a thing to be ashamed of. 'It is he himself that tempts the robbers to come:' - on whom besides can we lay the blame? (See Appendix III, i, 48.)
5. 九四:解而拇,朋至斯孚。
(To the subject of) the fourth NINE, undivided, (it is said), 'Remove your toes. Friends will (then) come, between you and whom there will be mutual confidence.'
Xiang Zhuan: 'Remove your toes:' - the places (of this line and of the third and first) are all inappropriate to them.
6. 六五:君子維有解,吉;有孚于小人。
The fifth SIX, divided, shows (its subject), the superior man (= the ruler), executing his function of removing (whatever is injurious to the idea of the hexagram), in which case there will he good fortune, and confidence in him will be shown even by the small men.
Xiang Zhuan: When 'the superior man executes his function of removing (whatever is injurious to the idea of the hexagram),' small men will of themselves retire.
7. 上六:公用射隼于高墉之上,獲之,无不利。
In the sixth SIX, divided, we see a feudal prince (with his bow) shooting at a falcon on the top of a high wall, and hitting it. (The effect of his action) will be in every way advantageous.
Xiang Zhuan: 'A prince with his bow shoots a falcon:' - thus he removes (the promoters of) rebellion.
(by James Legge)
Friday, February 5, 2016
Sign 22/8/2015
Part 1
Part 2
〖释义〗:苏东坡有词云:"蜗角虚名,蝇头微早,算来着甚奔忙?事皆前定谁弱谁又强!" 本签以经商之道为例,论及多方,还需细细品味,方能识得真谛。 蜗角蝇头之利为数区区,多不为人重视。若论生意经,将本求利,去辄便是求利几倍几番,多多益善。这种生意经,如今不行了,变成了另一回事儿,那便是薄利多销,广种薄收,最终收获信是多多,且能长久。你所执的生意方略就是这样,也应当如此。 可是却遭到一位草头姓氏朋友的反对和讥笑,认为你太嫩了点儿,不通生意经。其实这位先生才真是食古不化,不懂得变通的道理。这样一个时代,不这样行吗?他的生意经将是不可能长久的,而且风险值过大,必遭到失败。 走自己的路,让人家去嘲笑好了。
Part 2
〖释义〗:苏东坡有词云:"蜗角虚名,蝇头微早,算来着甚奔忙?事皆前定谁弱谁又强!" 本签以经商之道为例,论及多方,还需细细品味,方能识得真谛。 蜗角蝇头之利为数区区,多不为人重视。若论生意经,将本求利,去辄便是求利几倍几番,多多益善。这种生意经,如今不行了,变成了另一回事儿,那便是薄利多销,广种薄收,最终收获信是多多,且能长久。你所执的生意方略就是这样,也应当如此。 可是却遭到一位草头姓氏朋友的反对和讥笑,认为你太嫩了点儿,不通生意经。其实这位先生才真是食古不化,不懂得变通的道理。这样一个时代,不这样行吗?他的生意经将是不可能长久的,而且风险值过大,必遭到失败。 走自己的路,让人家去嘲笑好了。
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Yellow Jamabala Mantra: OM ZAMBALA ZALENDHRAYE SOHA 23/2/2015

He protected the dharma and if anyone call his name, he will come and help the person. If one has trouble with finance or anything, one can chant his mantra and he will come and help. But one must have a bodhi mind and practice Buddhism properly to attain his blessings. One can also gain wealth, wisdom, intelligence and at last! Attain Buddha hood!.
The Yellow Jambhala is thought to be the most effective for those with a Chinese Astrological lucky element of earth and having the animal sign of a cow, dragon, sheep, or dog. You will receive not only wealth but wisdom and intelligence if worshipped properly. The Mantra you would recite is
"Om Zambala Zalendhraye Soha".
據《大藏經》載,釋迦牟尼佛讓黃財神解說其咒功德。黃財神說其咒時,三千大千世界即發六種震動。眾不退轉菩薩及眾夜叉同聲讚歎,前未所聞,此等稀有殊勝之法。釋尊言說,此咒是痛苦無依眾生之解脫皈依處。非但持誦,僅只視咒,即不生病。持誦此咒,無有愁苦憂惱,身體疼痛不生。此咒猶如寶瓶、如意寶、如意樹,隨其所欲,滿眾生所願。若有人能持此咒者,衣食財寶多聞聰慧無病長壽,隨所願求,無不遂意,獲福甚多。無福報善根之人,無緣睹聞,乃至書寫持誦此咒。佛言,念誦此咒之人,我必攝受,入不退轉解脫之道路,得不退轉無上菩提,不墮入惡道,成為智人賢者恭敬處。此咒功德,所有神龍夜叉聚於一處,亦評說不盡;菩薩及聲聞緣覺等大智慧身,無能得知;諸佛讚說不已,亦永無盡處。此陀羅尼咒,為三世佛母。諸佛恆常加持,持此咒人,能獲六度十地之功德。(by http://www.yaoshirulai.org/Buddha/?p=622)
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