Yaochi jinmu (瑤池金母) is an important goddess in Taiwan after the Second World War. There are two threads about Yaochi jinmu’s origin. One is about the sects of Chinese popular religions in Taiwan before the Second World War. Another one is about the government sponsors Daoist association developing after the Second World War. The propagation of the belief on Yaochi jinmu is very closed to the sect, Cihui tang (慈惠堂). When people want to make sense of Yaochi jinmu’s origin, it is hard to separate Yaochi jinmu from the developing of Cihui tang.
Before the Second World War, there are various sects of Chinese popular religion in Taiwan. One common character of these sects’ teaching is the belief on Mu niang (母娘) or Lao mu (老母), a goddess who is benevolent and help all people. Within the belief on Mu niang, there is an eschatology originating Buddhism. This eschatology is called Sanqi mojie (三期末劫). In Chinese Buddhism, jie is the word meaning the Sanskrit word kalpa. According to the eschatology, from the beginning of the universe up to now, this span can be divided to three periods. Each period is called hui (會). Lao mu will dispatch a Buddha to this world to save people on each hui. There is a term dedicated to Buddha’s saving plan. It is Zhang Tian-pan (掌天盤), steering the wheel of the universe. The first hui is Qing Yang hui (青陽會). There are nine kalpas (eon) during Qing Yang hui and the Buddha is Dīpaṃkara (燃燈佛). The second one is Hong Yang hui (紅陽會), and the dispatched Buddha is Sakyamuni. Hong Yang hui has eighteen kalpas. The third hui is Bai Yang hui (白陽會). The Buddha is Maitreya. There are eighty kalpas. It is said that the beginning of Bai Yang hui is exactly on the beginning of 20th century. However, it is suspicious because the invention of San-qi-mo-jie is in Ming dynasty. Above all, regarding to early scriptures of Ci Hui tang, San-qi-mo-jie is the dominant idea and the image of Yaochi jinmu is closed to Wuji Laomu (無極老母). It is the first thread.
Secondly, however, after the Second World War, KMT government reigned over Taiwan and forbidden I-kuan Dao. When Ci Hui tang is flourishing all over Taiwan, the leader of Ci Hui tang considered on the religious teachings similarities between I-kuan Dao and wanted making Ci Hui tang being a legal religious organization. Ci Hui Tang applied for a membership to Taoist society of R. O. C. (中華民國道教會). Then Ci Hui tang changed its teaching about Mu Niang to Yaochi jinmu, a goddess from ancient China. Yaochi jinmu is Xi Wangmu (西王母) which can be traced back to oracle bone inscriptions of the fifteenth century BCE. Yao-Chi jin-mu is Xi Wangmu’s official Taoist title. Yao means the precious jade. Yao-Chi is the place where Xi Wangmu lives in. It is said that Yao-Chi is on the Kunlun Mountains. After Ci Hui Tang joined Taoist society, Ci Hui Tang’s Mu niang became equal to Yaochi jinmu.
According to the statics in 2003, in Taiwan, there are 900 Ci Hui Tang’s branching halls at least. If it is added the other sects that regard Wuji Laomu or Wusheng laomu as the highest deity, then the number of jin-mu or mu-nian’ disciples will be a huge one.
Thank You so much for your time and wonderful research!!!!!