星座:大熊座δ (天權,文曲星) 北斗七星中心的天權宮文曲星。
文曲星是星宿名之一。文曲星是主管文運的星宿,文章寫得好而被朝廷錄用為大官的人是文曲星下凡。一般認為民間出現過的文曲星包括: 國神比干、范仲淹、包拯、文天祥、許仙的兒子許仕林。
宋真宗時封: 神文聖武孝德忠仁王
宋光宗時封: 忠文仁武孝德聖烈王
宋理宗時封: 神文聖武孝德忠仁王
元仁宗延祐三年(1316年)敕封張亞子為: 輔元開化文昌司祿宏仁帝君。於是梓潼神張亞子遂被稱為文昌帝君。掌管考試命運、主宰士子功名利祿,廣稱作「文昌帝君」。
「文昌天皇」は 2 つの異なる神と神聖な話: 文昌単語星の名前、および神の名前の両方は、市民 Guancheng 文昌衛星、Wenxing 神の。
「文昌天皇」としても知られている子通、温 Changdi 寺王、俊英語王子通先生、梓潼天皇、レイ Yingdi 6 月。文昌星については、含まれている「史料 ‧ tianguan 本」:「今日、六つの星を着てマリーナ ・ コーブ、文昌衛星放送日、第 2、第 3 高価なフェーズは、第 4 師団、5、6 の Si Lu。「「星」で、設定を:「六文昌の前に、その後七星の lunula など、6 星は、有名な星。「六つ星、強大な文昌は、時間が残さと右、あなたの写真の温徐は、プライマリのせい災害演技の秘書メインの右側の Si Lu ジンシ島ツアー、温 Yunlu 国籍、世界での、別の部門のためので古代時以来されて崇拝の学者の学生。
文昌、総称して、スプラッシュ星、Kui 興 6 の後の年を含む星の名前です。古代の占星術主に大きな高価な吉、道教神はそれを支払い、別名「Wenxing」位置名声支配として解釈されます。後、隋と唐帝国検査システム、文昌星特に崇拝学者学生、それ言われたその文昌」機能人 Mo tseuk ルックの帝国検査」です。文昌衛星され梓潼天皇神の道教有能な高官として、位置および豊かさを徐々 に 2 つの神々。
文昌衛星を Wenxing、またはメイン文書で、杜甫の詩などの輸送、星音楽スターと呼ばれる:「北風 shuangqi、南 DAU Wenxing 回避を」.「時東ビュー」:「hatsuhi の役員時、文昌衛星暗い、帝国の検討何か」.このことから、学生 Wenxing と関連付けられてする必要があります。
文昌星について「スター」に含まれている:「六文昌の前に、その後、七星の lunula など、6 星は、有名な星。」「歴史家 tianguan 本」が含まれています:「今日、六つの星を着てマリーナ ・ コーブ、文昌衛星放送日、第 2、第 3 高価なフェーズは、第 4 師団、5、6 の Si Lu。』
景泰県明王朝年景宗皇帝で、『 北京 』 新しい寺院 2 月上旬、彼の除去の人々 の 3 つの壮大な式典を開催しました。清朝時代より多くの崇拝神、6 年間の治世仁天皇李 PU 神このコードの礼拝に命じた。
人間と神は 2 つの疑惑、文昌天皇文「壮大な皇帝 Wen 恒関 Shengdi、フー優天皇 Lu 桐ピンのグランド wenkui など 5 昌」、、教師、と朱朱宜興、Kui 興幹事の総称」として 5 文昌「バケツの最初に分割です。
「雲書棚署名 7」:「文昌星神の王、言葉皇帝の文字の生活に多くの場合、。中央部。- または -生活の祖父。主な人生の年、健康、ジェーンの写真誕生日死の。「文昌神星から派生します。
「曲。9 曲は「少 SI 明の 4 つ星をを意味します。戦争州期間コードの国家の礼拝では含まれています。
明します。特別なインスペクターのジャーナル」:「梓潼天皇、張 yazi Magariyama、チュ集 7 市仁戦争死ぬ、人間ラップ寺と呼ばれる英国王の子通文昌と道教の繰り返し文字が唐家、パームと Lu と国籍世界プラスは天皇、の世界での学校。寺の礼拝。』
「台湾郡」と「鎮」に:「梓潼天皇、姓、名 yazi、Magariyama、チュ集 7 市仁戦争死ぬ、寺ランチョン梓潼県政府の家で。英国王の唐や宋王朝への繰り返しの手紙。道教は、天皇の子通メイン文昌と Lu と国籍、世界で。これは、ため、プラス記号、学校翔 Si からの世界での天皇です。』
文昌天皇小冊子 Yazi 張唐から意味のある権利し、後に移動するには、7 Magariyama 梓潼郡の四川省、敬虔な道教、広報彼の性格は、7 つの Magariyama 寺院に組み込まれて、彼の死の人々 を賞賛した後四川道教の教えという「チンシューのビュー」と刻まれた「子通」として 6 月子通神、礼拝する人々 のため。XI 宗中唐の皇帝 Xuanzong 四川に逃げ、梓潼神首相、寺俊王左クロージャを使用してこのような信念のいた。3 年 1316年仁咲元宗 Yanyou 赤峰「補助開化文昌 Si Lu hongren 皇帝」として文昌天皇」として省略形です。表示、過去には、この言葉の閉鎖に文昌と組み合わせた信念文昌衛星からカーネル ミルク天皇に記事に、神の知識、文昌家問題の担当職務のされます。大きく優先唐の皇帝として子通神、神の状態に長い急になったは国家神に 1 つの場所から、だんだんと文昌神は、1 つ。
聖職者には、歌と元間のような信念を使用することができます、それは文昌皇帝 Wen チャン、生活と死と人間の幽霊 tseuk ルックの神を尊重と呼ばれるを参照してください。古代の学者役人文昌宮の確立は帝国の方法には、すべての政府の家郡に豊かにするためになります。明代後は、各学校文昌天皇崇拝は、建物の一部になります。清王家、中国 sanwenchang 天皇初期 2 月誕生日、毎年宮廷北京文昌寺、文昌が送信する神の道教、儒教と強力な色。
南宋時代の間は、道教信者を装って文昌名は「文昌天皇陰の解説である状態」天皇世界を説く説得文昌天皇ノート 1 良いターンの本別に値する、この本は、過去には、非常に人気がに大きな影響を与えたと「誘導記事もに」と論評ノート関遊」従業員睡眠ゲーム キヤノン「三つに説教は本当に本。
文昌天皇天皇以前の学者が専用文昌天皇を必要するが、重要な儀式の 1 つとして分類しました。文昌天皇の誕生日、通盛、学者、衛生面、功盛は帝国検査で牛と文昌寺の提供は、準備にも古いスタイル私立学校教師は、"3 を提示"の儀式を行します。
「町や郡」の「レコード:」ゆう Sidian ので学術追求官位、槇原敬之イ学習の巧妙な方法の神。』
3 中国語文昌天皇のクリスマスのための 2 月上旬
"Wenchang Emperor", there are two different gods and sacred story: Wenchang Word both for star names, and names for God, that is, civil Guancheng Wenchang satellite, Wenxing God.
"Wenchang Emperor" also known as Zitong, Wen Changdi, JI Shun King, the English King, Zitong teacher, Zitong Emperor, Lei Yingdi June. About the "Wenchang Star" is, "historical records ‧ tianguan book" contained: "Marina Cove 、 wearing six stars today, Wenchang satellite, on the day, 2nd, 3rd expensive phase, 4th Division, 5th Division, 6th Si Lu. "" Star "as set out in:" six stars such as the lunula of Wenchang, in the Big Dipper before the year afterwards, its six stars the famous. "Six Star for the mighty Wenchang, time is left and right, your photo of Wen Xu, Division of primary blame for the disaster, acting Secretary in the main right, Si Lu of jinshi in the tour, a separate division, in charge of Wen Yunlu nationality in the world, so since ancient times been worship of scholar students.
Wenchang Emperor is generally believed that he is responsible for examinations, fate, and help you to read the author of God, is read by the literati, and branch name most revered instructions of God. Their dedicated to folk, from the Zhou dynasty since flow along the development of morality in the past dynasties included sacrifice code.
Wenchang, this is the star name, including the splash star, star of the year afterwards of Kui Xing six collectively. Ancient Astrologers interpreted mainly big expensive Jixing, God of Taoism as a dominating the fame it position an payment, also known as "Wenxing". After the Sui and the Tang imperial examination system, Wenchang star is particularly worshipped scholar students, it is said that Wenchang "functional Man Mo tseuk Luk of imperial examination". Wenchang satellite and Zitong emperor was God of Taoism as a competent high official positions and riches, so two gods gradually into one.
Wenchang satellite called Wenxing, or music star, who stars in the main document, transported, such as Du Fu's poem: "the North wind with shuangqi, Nam DAU Wenxing avoidance". "East view played": "hatsuhi Officer played the Wenchang satellite dark, imperial examination when something". From this, students should be associated with Wenxing.
About "Wenchang Star", "Star" contained: "six stars such as the lunula of Wenchang, in the Big Dipper before the year afterwards, its six stars the famous. "" The historian tianguan book "contains:" Marina Cove 、 wearing six stars today, Wenchang satellite, on the day, 2nd, 3rd expensive phase, 4th Division, 5th Division, 6th Si Lu. 』
Jingtai County to the Ming dynasty years, Kagemune Emperor in the ' Beijing ' new temples in each of the three in early February, his removal of people held a grand ceremony. During the Qing dynasty, more worship the God, the reign of six years, Renzong Emperor ordered LI PU, into the worship of God this code.
Man and God is divided into two alleged, first is the "Wenchang Emperor", is "five Wenchang", including the Grand Emperor Wen Heng Guan Shengdi, Fu Yu Emperor of Lu Tung-pin and the wenkui Grand, and teacher, and Zhu Zhu Yixing 、 bucket of Kui Xing Secretary, collectively, as "five Wenchang".
"Cloud bookcase seven signed": "Wenchang star God King, words often, Emperor with the life of the character. The Central Division. -Or-life Grandfather. Main years of the life of health, photo birthday death of Jane. "Belief in Wenchang God derived from the star.
"The songs. Nine song "Shao SI Ming means the fourth star. Have been included in the national worship of warring States period code.
"The Ming dynasty. Journal of the Special Inspector ":" Zitong Emperor, Zhang called yazi, Ju Shu seven Magariyama, Shi-Jin war die, human lap Temple, Tang repeated letters to the British King, Taoist saying Zitong Wenchang the Palm House, and Lu and nationality in the world, plus for the Emperor, and schools in the world. Temple worship. 』
"Taiwan County" and "Changhua" on: "Zitong Emperor, last name, first name yazi, Ju Shu seven Magariyama, Shi-Jin war die, Temple in baoning Zitong County Government House. Repeated letter to the British King of Tang and Song dynasties. Taoism that the Emperor Zitong main Wenchang, and Lu and nationality in the world. It is therefore not a plus sign for the Emperor, schools in the world, from Xiang Si. 』
Wenchang Emperor booklet entitled "Zhang Yazi" more meaningful from the Tang dynasty, and later moved to the seven Magariyama of Zitong County in Sichuan province, a devout Taoist, publicity in Sichuan Taoist teachings after his death people admired his character, built in seven Magariyama temples, named "view of qingxu" and monument engraved "Zitong June" as Zitong gods, for people to worship. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang dynasty, during XI Zong fled to Sichuan, had the use of such beliefs, Zitong God for closures left Prime Minister, JI Shun Wang. Three years 1316 to Hitoshi Sakimoto Zong Yanyou chifeng as "auxiliary kaihua Wenchang Si Lu hongren Emperor" is abbreviated as "Wenchang Emperor". In the past, to the closure of this word appears in Wenchang, and combines belief in Wenchang satellite, from kernel milk Emperor into the article, God of knowledge, of duties in charge of the Wenchang House Affairs. As the Emperor of the Tang dynasty greatly preferred by, Zitong steep long on the status of God, God became a national God from one place, and gradually and Wenchang God are one.
Priests see such beliefs between song and Yuan can use, it is called Wenchang Emperor Wen Chang, respect for the God of life and death, and human ghosts tseuk Luk. Ancient scholars become an official in order to become prosperous, to the imperial way, so all Government House County, establishing Wenchang Palace. After the Ming dynasty, each school will be part of the buildings used for worship Wenchang Emperor. Qing dynasty, Chinese sanwenchang Emperor in early February birthday each year, the Imperial Court to send to Beijing Wen Chang Temple, Wenchang although God of Taoism, Confucianism with strong color.
Between the Southern Song dynasty, Taoist guise of Wenchang name of Emperor, made the "Wenchang Emperor Yin State", which is a commentary notes Wenchang Emperor persuaded the world preach the book of one good turn deserves another, this book is very popular in the past, had a great influence, and "too induction article on" and the commentary notes that Guan Yu "Guandi sleep game Canon" into three preach really book.
"Wenchang Emperor" stewardship test fate, dominates the scholars ' high official positions and riches, welcomed by scholars than Confucius. At the same time he also lettering, bookstores, stationery shops, Guanyin, papermaking lines of God, so the old Booksellers Association is called the "Wenchang Center."
Wenchang Emperor Emperor had previously classified as one of the important ceremonies, where scholars need dedicated Wenchang Emperor. Wenchang Emperor's birthday, Tong Sheng, scholar, and respect health, Gong Sheng, the imperial examinations at the as well as old-style private school teachers to prepare cattle and offerings, to Wen Chang Temple row "three presents" ritual.
Ancient rulers to order schools in the world, dedicated to the Wenchang God:
"Town and County records": "so Yu Sidian, is the clever way the God of learning academic seeking official rank, makihara Noriyuki Yi. 』
"Changhua County records": "book of the cover to the Emperor, such as Yam, sensor-related article, advise Takafumi, solutions to the book of filial piety, there are lift to the aims of education, and losing Saint, scholar of worship, daily living are fear, not only records branch name, worship in order to also".
Chinese three in early February for Wenchang Emperor Christmas