Guandi Temple
Dreamed that about gonna multi-story-high statue of Guandi Temple at Jinguashi(金瓜石) by the way and chating: Namah Guān Shèng Dì Jūn Bodhisattva-mahā-sattva(南無關聖帝君菩薩摩訶薩)Namah Guān Shèng Dì Jūn Bodhisattva-mahā-sattva
南無 關聖帝君 菩薩摩訶薩
Namah 南無
Guān Shèng Dì Jūn 關聖帝君
About Guan Yu is widely referred to as "Emperor Guan" (關帝; Guāndì) and "Duke Guan" (關公; Guān Gōng), while his Taoist title is "Holy Emperor Lord Guan" (關聖帝君; Guān Shèng Dì Jūn). Temples and shrines dedicated exclusively to Guan Yu can be found across mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other places with Chinese influence such as Vietnam, South Korea and Japan.
Bodhisattva-mahā-sattva 菩薩摩訶薩
【如來藏經語體譯釋 31】:六十恆河沙,皆悉成就大精進力,已曾供養百千億那由他諸佛,皆悉能轉不退法輪。
【法華經講要 28】:菩薩(bodhi-sattva)有不同的位階,例如初發心的凡夫菩薩、三賢位的地前菩薩、登地的聖人菩薩,八地乃至十地的大菩薩。初發心凡夫菩薩只能稱為菩薩,初地以上的聖人菩薩才可以稱為菩薩摩訶薩。
菩薩是「菩提薩埵」的簡稱,意思是「覺有情」。「有情」就是眾生,「覺」有道、菩提的意思,有道心的眾生就是菩薩、菩提薩埵。摩訶薩(mahāsattva)意為「大」,乃是菩薩有別於小乘聖者的通稱。因此「菩薩摩訶薩」就是偉大的有道心的眾生,或偉大的覺有情,梵文原文為bodhi-sattva mahasattva。